Training & Events Calendar


Reflective Diversity Conversations

10.00am - 11.00am
Online via Zoom

Join us in this interactive and engaging online workshop as we use the Exploring Diversity & Wellness toolkit to

  • Demonstrate and strengthen your knowledge of diversity and intersectionality, particularly in understanding the diverse needs of the consumers we work with.
  • Explore inclusive service principles that strengthen person-centred care.
  • Apply a Diversity & intersectionality lens within the Aged Care Quality Standards
  • Learn how reflective conversations can support a better understanding of the people you work with and how to deliver services that better meet their needs.

There will be an opportunity for participants to engage with like-minded providers, ask questions, and discuss best practice for optimal outcomes. 

Event Details

Tuesday 13th August 10:00am to11:00am (AEST)

Target Audience:

Mangers, Team Leaders, and Coordinators of all CHSP programs.