HACC-PYP Resources

HACC-PYP Campaign Toolkit

Service providers delivering HACC-PYP services can utilise the HACC PYP Campaign Toolkit to help raise awareness and attract new clients to the program.

The full campaign toolkit includes:

HACC-PYP Resources

Refer to the Department of Health website for  information about HACC-PYP in Victoria, including the Program Manual and Service Development and Quality Documentation.
HACC-PYP Providers and Services Spreadsheet.

Grampians Region HACC-PYP Community of Practice

Use this online form to request access to join the trello board (online community of practice) for HACC-PYP service providers (and assessment services) in the Grampians Region.

Resources developed for Grampians Region HACC-PYP Service Providers


A range of HACC-PYP Assessment Material, including a sample position description, is available via the Projects page of this website.


The Service Provider Home Safety Checklist, and Protocol for using the Checklist were reviewed in March 2021, both are available via the Projects tab of this site.


Animated videos and fact sheets developed in June 2019 for HACC-PYP staff orientation and education.
HACC Program for Younger People (HACC-PYP) Data Reporting
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) HACC-PYP Reporting and Data (Minimum Data Set)

HACC Program for Younger People funded organisations are required to submit Minimum Data Set (MDS) files quarterly.

DHHS has published technical guidance and counting rules to help service providers with their reporting. The reporting software that service providers should use is HACC MDS version 2.
Department of Health and Human Services Funded Agency Channel 'My Agency'
Login to DHS eBusiness, link to registration and forgotten login details

My Agency
is the secure area of the Funded Agency Channel (and is only accessible to registered users). It provides access to organisation-specific service agreement information.

Funded HACC-PYP providers can access feedback reports on their quarterly MDS via the Funded Agency Channel. These reports are updated during the submission periods.

To access HACC reports:
  • log in to the Funded Agency Channel
  • click on 'My Agency' from the menu
  • scroll down to the 'Health reports - performance against targets'
  • click on 'Home and Community Care (HACC) reports' link
  • select 'Post transition reports' for current reporting
  • from the list select (click on) a report to view it.
Department of Health and Human Services - Incident Reporting
Incident management information for funded organisations and NDIS providers, including details about the Client incident management system and reporting privacy breaches.

Note: Most health services report via Victorian Health Incident Management System (VHIMS).
Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidlines
Information about the Department of Health and Human Services policy and funding guidelines which detail the parameters that funded organisations are expected to work within.

The Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines (PFG) consists of three volumes:

  • Volume 1: Departmental overview
  • Volume 2: Health Operations 2017-18
  • Volume 3: Human Services Policy and Funding Plan 2015-19
  • Volume three is listed as an applicable departmental policy in Schedule 1 of the Service Agreement form of the Common Funding Agreement.
Volume three of the PFG contains detailed information regarding service activities, service standards and guidelines, targets, performance measures and data collection requirements for each human services activity.
Department of Health and Human Services Service Agreement Information Kit and Policies and Procedures
Key guidance about service agreements for funded organisations

Information about key policies, procedures and guidelines relating to service agreements

Information about the following:

  • Aboriginal therapeutic home based care program and funding guidelines
  • Acknowledgement and publicity guidelines
  • Administration of medication in residential services
  • Business continuity management
  • Child protection manual
  • Fire risk management
  • First Supports
  • Funded organisation performance management framework
  • Home-based care program requirements
  • Homelessness and housing reform launch sites
  • L17 Family violence portal
  • Lead tenant program requirements
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Policy and funding guidelines
  • Private rental assistance program requirements
  • Records management for funded organisations
  • Residential care services program requirements
  • Restrictive interventions
  • Service agreement information kit
  • Targeted care packages
  • Victorian housing register
  • Whole of Victorian Government contracts
Victoria Home and Community Care (HACC) Program Manual
Part 1: Overview and program management: provides an overview of the HACC PYP program, legislative requirements and key Victorian policy and program directions. This part details operational requirements such as the HACC quality framework, employee requirements, funding and reporting, and fees policy overview.

Part 2: Eligibility and access:  describes the target group, eligibility and priority criteria for the HACC PYP. It outlines the diversity initiative, the HACC PYP approach to assessment and care planning within the service coordination framework. As HACC PYP is one of a number of government funded programs that clients might need to access, this part includes information about interfaces with other programs and the protocols or arrangements that apply.

Part 3: HACC PYP funded activities:  provides comprehensive information about the services or funded activities provided by HACC PYP. This part starts with a description of the active service model and how it applies across all HACC funded activities.