The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards emphasise the importance of understanding and responding to the diversity of clients to deliver person-centred and inclusive services. The case studies below were developed as part of a webinar series that explores the need to address diversity and wellness within the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards. These case studies provide good practice approaches to specific situations, highlight the breadth of diversity within each person and the need for inclusive and person-centred practice to be embedded throughout the organisation.
Reflective questions have been developed to support service providers discuss the issues raised in the case studies with their staff and volunteers, at team meetings or as part of individual learning. Watch the relevant Standard video you wish to explore and use the accompanying guide and reflective questions to enhance your learning experience.
Standard 1 – The Person
Standard 1 underpins all other standards. It focuses on treating older people with dignity and respect, acknowledging their individuality, diversity and life experiences. It ensures that aged care providers recognise, embrace and deliver services that respond to each person's unique background, culture and identity.
Standard 2 – The Organisation
Standard 2 focuses on the governance and management systems required to deliver high-quality care and services. This standard mandates that organisations set strategic priorities that promote a culture of continuous improvement, accountability and partnership with older people. By actively involving older people, their families and carers in the decision-making processes, the organisation ensures that care services are responsive to the diverse needs and preferences of their clients.
Standard 3 – Care and Services
Standard 3 describes how providers must deliver care and services tailored to the older person's needs and preferences, emphasising the importance of effective assessment, planning, communication and coordination. This Standard highlights that family and carers play a crucial role in assisting or providing care, ensuring that care plans are regularly reviewed and adjusted based on the older person's changing needs and preferences.
Standard 4 – The Environment
Standard 4 ensures that the physical environment in which care is delivered is safe, clean, comfortable and conducive to the wellbeing of older people. The standard highlights the need for environments that support movement, engagement, and inclusion, making sure that spaces are accessible and reduce safety risks. This includes maintaining equipment that meets the specific needs of diverse populations and providing environments that promote social connections and a sense of belonging.
Standard 5 – Clinical Care
Standard 5 describes the responsibilities of providers to deliver safe and quality clinical care to older people. The governing body has overall responsibility to ensure a clinical governance framework is implemented and to monitor its effectiveness. Providers operationalise the clinical governance framework and report on its performance.
This project has been collaboratively developed as a partnership between the Eastern Sector Support and Development Team (EACH), the SSD Connect Alliance & the Grampians Region Sector Support and Development Team.